Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Lemon Yogurt

Lemon Yogurt...sugar free...healthy and wellness plan approved!  So simple!!! Here goes.  Get a bowl and wisk!  You are ready!

1 lg container of plain yogurt                                         

3 small lemons

Juice them...

I have really liked this juicer from Pampered Chef....

now add:
1/2 -1 tsp stevia

I whisked all three ingredients together ...and still wanted more lovely lemony that is when I decided to add zest.

So simple to do...just got my old box grater that has 4 cutting options.  I use the tiniest grater option for zest.  It works for me and I don't have to keep up with the zester.  I bought one once, but I lost it.  I love my old box grater.  It goes back to my love for old things, but that is a whole other blog posting! 

Enjoy the lovely lemon yogurt, knowing that it is 100% sugar free and healthy!

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